
Lighting Technician
Stage Electrician

Assistant Tour Manager
Stage manager
Backline Tech

Operating Systems
Macintosh OS (10.x to Current)
Windows XP through Windows 8
Linux Ubuntu
Microsoft Office Suite
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Adobe Lightroom
Avid Pro Tools
Waves Audio Processing Plug-ins
Mac Power PC and Intel Apple computers
Intel powered windows pc
Mac Power PC and Intel Apple computers
Intel powered windows pc
Knowledge of signal flow
Behringer XR18, X32 mixer
Yamaha DM2000, M7CL & LS9
SSL Duality
Analog Consoles
Power Amps
Equalizers and Effects
Audio Processors
Smart Phone Technology
DSLR Cameras
Assembly, installation and setup of:
Projectors and screens
LCD,plasma and other flat panel tv
dmx lighting
Basic hand and power tools, Soldering irons, multimeters and decibel meters